Saturday, December 1, 2007

Busy day

So today I was supposed to sit around the house and "rest" since this is the first weekend that I technically dont have anywhere I have to be. We all know things never work that way. This morning, we went to walmart and took Destiny to see Santa at the mall. Which bty this Santa was huge! After we went to the other walmart for something the first one didnt have and after we got gas..we finally headed home.
Tony didnt know it yet, but he was in for a lot of work today. Cleaning out gutters and cutting down tree limbs from the big tree in the front yard. Poor thing. I did help though. Holding the ladder is a hard job! LOL Now, I can barely keep my eyes open so I am headed off to bed. Enough of the rambling on about today.................nighty night.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Lol, and laughing at him the whole time took it out of you too right?